Adelaide vs the World and Funky Fresh Musical Improv - Whats On In AdelaideWhats On In Adelaide

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Adelaide vs the World and Funky Fresh Musical Improv

Adelaide vs the World and Funky Fresh Musical Improv

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Date(s) - 20/03/2025 - 22/03/2025
7:15 pm - 9:30 pm

The Griffins Hotel


Eric Tinker presents two Adelaide Fringe comedy shows! Tickets only $20/$14 per show, or book at FringeTix using the promo code TINKER to see both shows for $10 each!

Adelaide vs the World – the Clash of the Comics sees Adelaide’s finest jesters go head to head with national and international comics in this comedy game show. MC Eric Tinker strives to herd these comic cats as they perform stand up spots, team games and anarchic challenges. Eric is a musical comedian from the UK and will throw some song snippets into the mix. You, the audience, help decide which is the funniest team and you can answer some questions too!

“The momentum miraculously never ceased….it’s whacky enough to laugh out loud.” The Barefoot Review.

Can Adelaide prove it can take on the world?  Come along and find out!

Or are you looking for a musical comedy spectacular where YOU choose the story? Funky Fresh Musical Improv Plucked features a talented troupe of serenading improvisers who are ready to do your bidding! Jai Lee, our amazing multi-instrumentalist musician, steers the cast through improvised comedic and singing adventures – stories that have never been seen before and will never be seen again! You want a pirate adventure set in the present day? A spaghetti western set in a Chinese restaurant? A romantic drama featuring killer robots? You choose the subject and the title and we will perform your suggestion to live music! Three shows only!

“You get to watch performance under pressure and that pressure turns carbon into diamonds.” The Barefoot Review.

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